5 Essentials for the Ultimate Bath Ritual
Treat yourself to a luxurious at-home spa experience in the comfort of your very own bathroom. Here’s how.
There’s nothing quite like a day at the spa to restore and renew the body and spirit. But spending hours (or even one hour!) having your aches and cares massaged and cleansed away by a team of estheticians isn’t always possible. Much more doable: Creating your own relaxation ritual in the comfort of your home by turning your next bath-time into spa-time. Don’t worry, you don’t have to invest in an apothecary-worth of fancy potions and creams to give yourself the self care you deserve. Here are the five things you do need to soak your stress away:
1. Time. The true luxury of a rewarding spa experience is that it’s unrushed and uninterrupted. So pick a time when you have at least an hour or two to yourself; when the house is quiet and ideally, empty; when you won’t be checking your watch to be sure you’re not late for something else; when you won’t be plagued by phone calls or texts or deliveries at the front door. If this seems impossible to manage (kids, anyone?), you might have to get creative: Trade babysitting with a friend or significant other, so you can each have a little me-time, or turn on a movie for an hour to keep kids occupied while you decompress. Just between us, we’ve been known to offer a reward for not disturbing spa time unless it’s an emergency!3. Mood lighting. If your bathroom lights are on a dimmer, lower the brightness level, creating a gentle glow. Otherwise, turn the lights all the way off and rely on the flicker of candlelight to illuminate the room. Either way, don’t skimp on the candles. Arrange them around the tub and the perimeter of room; the golden light will create a soothing halo to help you make the transition from “regular” life to deep-relaxation mode. Hint: candles with a relaxing scent will also boost your relaxation quotient (see Tip 4).
4. Transporting scents. Let layers of your favorite fragrance envelope you in luxury. Scatter scented salts in your bath water; sip on fruit- or herb-infused water or tea; rest a fragrant towel across your eyes (a few drops of essential oil on a warm washcloth will do the trick—lavender is lovely); choose a delicious-smelling candle, face or hair mask; and finish up your soak with a rich, botanical cream or body oil.
5. Sumptuous textures. Make sure everything you touch during spa-time is soft and inviting. Lay a cushy bathmat beside the tub to delight your toes as you step in and out. Wash your skin with a luxe cotton cloth. Dry off with thick, thirsty towels fresh from the dryer. And, finally, wrap up in a cozy robe and slide your feet into warm slippers to take your bath ritual with you into the rest of the day.